Our Story


Triton 6, LLC is a Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Company based in Wilmington, North Carolina USA. In 2014, Triton 6 was founded by two Combat United States Marine Veterans. We started in the industry as Defense Contractors in various roles in both domestic and foreign operational sets.

During this time we discovered that domestic and foreign end users often had various shortfalls in their procurement processes making it difficult for them to acquire the necessary gear, when they needed it. Our customers would often have to solidify multiple contracts from multiple vendors, that never aligned quite right to the operation or training mission. Often times, this left them having to do without.

We decided we could intervene and shift the process by creating a company that would alleviate the stress and help our clients accomplish their mission more seamlessly. Our first-handed experience gave us the edge to easily make connections within the industry, demonstrating successful procurement of products for different areas of operations.

Since inception, we have continued to refine logistic and compliance processes and can now fully facilitate across the spectrum for our customers with a true, “One-Stop-Shop” experience for all operational needs.



We are specialists in the field of Wholesale Distribution, specifically for Military, Law Enforcement, Security, and Intelligence Products and Services. Our diverse and widespread collaborations with a variety of companies empower our clients with a broad selection of products, effectively addressing their procurement needs.

We recognize that our clients’ needs can be complex and their deadlines demanding. Leveraging our valued partnerships, we provide prompt and inventive solutions for procurement, effectively meeting our clients’ schedules and financial constraints.

Our mission is to continually achieve success and meet our customers requirements in this highly competitive market. The loyalty of our repeat customers and the superior quality of our work stand as clear evidence of this commitment.


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